
Hayder avatar image
Hayder asked Hayder edited

Floor Storage problem

im using source with boxes and theres 3 types of boxes , also am using source for Pullet and a queue to store the pullets and i combined the pullet with the boxes , now i want to store this combined boxes with pullet into floorstorage and every row of the floor got one type of the boxes but i cant theres always an error , i used slot.Type? == item.first.Type? in matching labels and still nothing , any solutions ? and thnks

FlexSim 24.1.0
floor storagestorage slotstorage object
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Joerg Vogel avatar image Joerg Vogel commented ·
@Hayder, please attach your model or a model showing what you have achieved. Thanks!
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Hayder avatar image Hayder Joerg Vogel commented ·

Projet_Sim.fsm heres the project

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projet-sim.fsm (50.6 KiB)

1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Hayder edited

The "Type" label would be read on the pallet in the Slot Assignment Strategy. The pallets do not have any labels in your model.

The default slot sizes are also too small for the default pallets. If "Slot Must Have Space" is checked, no pallets would be pulled to the Floor Storage.

I'm also unsure how the pallets would be ordered by type, if more or less all of them would contain a mix a types?

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Hayder avatar image Hayder commented ·

Thnks man , the problem was in "Slot Must Have Space" is checked so i unchecked it and its working .

and also for the Type that would be read on the pallet , No the pallet have a product on it so when i did slot.Type? == item.first.Type ? the type would be read on the product on the pallet.

and also about the pallet will contain a mixes types of product , no i have a queue before the combiner that order the product in types and give it to the combiner and then to the Floor Storage . Anyways Thnks .

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