
random_user_777 avatar image
random_user_777 asked Jeanette F commented

How to create multiple objects, and set their properties using excel input?

I need to create a model with 400+ queues and processors. Is there a way to provide an excel input of all the queues and processors to be created and set their properties using excel import? Would also be great to set connections between objects using this input as well.

FlexSim 23.1.4
queuesproperty tablecreate
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Yes, this would be possible. You can create objects through Objects.create() and set their properties with Object.setProperty(). At least numerical properties like process time or maximum content are easy to set this way. Other settings like "Send to Port" or a Pull Strategy would be more complex to set via code but still possible.

You can create connections through code as well with contextdragconnection().

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