
CSN avatar image
CSN asked Jeanette F edited

Creates a specified number of tokens

Creates a specified number of tokens over a period of time using the distribution:

For example, during 14 days, each hour arrives different numbers of tokens in an exponential distribution.

How can I implement this logic ?

I have tried to use the Date Time Source ,but the tokens arrived in the first 7 minutes among an hour.


FlexSim 21.0.6
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1 Answer

Jordan Johnson avatar image
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Jordan Johnson answered

You can always build a source from other process flow activities. See this model:



This process flow creates one token for each row in a global table, one at a time. In this example, each row in the table determines the average number of arrivals in that hour. The process flow uses that information to generate tokens using an exponential distribution. Those tokens end up on the activity called "Source Target".

I don't know if this model will do exactly what you want. However, it may give you some ideas on how to build a source that does do exactly what you want.

tablesourcedemo.fsm (37.7 KiB)
1628114217207.png (57.2 KiB)
5 |100000

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