
Anna Kamphaus avatar image
Anna Kamphaus asked Anna Kamphaus commented

No slot was assigned to item - how to handle when no slot is found

I am using process flow to have a transporter pickup a pallet and put it on a shelf. When it runs out of the room I get an exception but it doesn't stop the model. I am wondering how I can add code to handle this exception to redirect everything else to an overflow queue instead.



It's not clear if allowing it to assign the slot in the unload is the correct approach.

This may be overall the wrong approach to allow it to select the slot in this way. I tried to use the "Find Slot" block but I wasn't sure how to then direct the unload to use that slot without getting a NULL for the station.
Store in racking slot exception.fsm1714056977858.png

FlexSim 24.0.2
processs flowstorage systemrack storagestorage slot
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1 Answer

Joerg Vogel avatar image
Joerg Vogel answered Anna Kamphaus commented

Activate Use Max Wait Timer in FindSlot activity

Template of On Max Wait Timer: Release token to second Destination.

Add another connection from findslot activity to an assign label activity.

Insert an assign label activity between findslot and load activity. In each of added assign label activities you add a label for an individual destination. Both must be connected to load activity.

Unload activity reads as destination the new assigned label for a destination.


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