
Rania A avatar image
Rania A asked Rania A commented

One task executer, two queues. sequence of tasks with process flow

Hello There,

I have an end-of-aisle storage system with an ASRS in between. My aisle has two Input points Queue one and Queue 2. one is on the left side and the other on the right side

I want to make tthis sequence in the process flow:

The ASRS starts from Queue1 picks up items from Queue1 and storage them in available slots in a random way . Then if there are Items in Queue 2 goes there, if not it goes back to Queue1.

My initial thought was that somehow I will need to use the decide point, but as I am relatively new to flexsim I have a hard time understanding its usage.

Any advise would be helpful.

FlexSim 20.0.10
storage systemrack storage
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Rania A commented

That just sounds like you should put the items in a list and sort them by priority when you try to pull each one - in this case those in queue 2 having higher priority than queue 1.

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