
Hoang Nk avatar image
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Hoang Nk asked Hoang Nk commented

Question about Webserver 24

Hi guys,

I have just updated to FlexSim Webserver 24 and noticed this strange behavior. I installed everything and configured it successfully. However when I tried to start a new instance, it showed this error1714490391154.png

Although in the end I could still see instance 1 from the Select Instance dropdown menu as well as be able to connect to it, one thing that puzzled me was that there was no instance being opened on the local drive at all. Is it a new property of Webserver 24 or am I missing any configuration setting? I also added here my config file for reference



Hoang Nguyen

FlexSim 24.1.0
webserverflexsim 24.1
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Hoang Nk avatar image Hoang Nk commented ·

is there anyone who could help me answer this question?

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Lars Jacobsen avatar image Lars Jacobsen commented ·

@Jason Lightfoot and @Jeanette F . Is it possible to help this licensed user?

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1 Answer

Jacob Gillespie avatar image
Jacob Gillespie answered Hoang Nk commented

@Hoang Nk There is a new feature "Headless Instances" which is on by default. It runs FlexSim in the background so that you don't see any instance open.

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Hoang Nk avatar image Hoang Nk commented ·
so will there be updates to turn this feature off? during our integration test, it'd be nice to have an instance open for debugging, because the webserver is quite limited, for example, the model tree can't be seen and properties' panel is not visible too.
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Lars Jacobsen avatar image Lars Jacobsen Hoang Nk commented ·

You can turn off "Headlesss Instances" in the "flexsim webserver configuration" file


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Hoang Nk avatar image Hoang Nk Lars Jacobsen commented ·
Thank you, somehow I did try to put that to "no" and it didn't work, but now it opens a new instance again.
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