
Richard M avatar image
Richard M asked Richard M commented

Using Release Token from Pull from List activity.

I am looking for a way to release a token from a Pull from List activity early based on another activity triggering or TE position.

I had thought to use "Release Token" with it pointed to "Tokens in Pull from List", but that didn't work.


Is this this a valid approach? Are one of the "Use Max ... Timer" options in the Pull from List a better method, even though its not necessarily time based?

Release Token from Pull List v2.fsm

FlexSim 24.0.0
pull from listrelease token
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered Richard M commented

Hello @Richard M,

This should work if you use the picklist option


If you are using this and having an issue make sure that your pull from list activity has a unique name from other activities.

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5 |100000

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Richard M avatar image Richard M commented ·

I am already using the "Tokens in Activity" option, as shown from the snip. Unless I'm misunderstanding what you mean by the "picklist". The List is a unique name, its the "AGV Work List" from the "AGV with Basic Parking" template.

I've attached the model. The interaction is between TE6 at CP "Dispatch1" and TE8 finishing its unload at Finish1 at around 4650.

Release Token from Pull List.fsm

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Richard M commented ·
Your model didn't upload successfully. But I noticed that you have two activities with the same name in your screenshot. The "Tokens in Activity" option searches for the activity by name and will use the first occurence it finds in the tree. So currently you might be releasing the tokens from the left Pull from List. Maybe try giving the activities unique names.
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Richard M avatar image Richard M Felix Möhlmann commented ·

I attached the file again to the original question.

I also gave the Pull from List target and the "Release to" unique names, but it is still not releasing.


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