
Paula LG avatar image
Paula LG asked Paula LG commented

Incorrect item placing in slot


I have encountered the following issue while developing a warehousing model:

Whenever I need to store items of different sizes in the same slot, if the big ones are placed first there's no issue, but if a big item is placed right after a small item, its placement inside the slot is incorrect. See images below for clarification.


I tried multiple ways of moving the items to the slots, such as using arrays and moving them all together at the same time, but it kept happening. As long as a small item comes first in any way (for example, having a smaller index inside the items array), the location of the big item is miscalculated.

I have also tried this in versions 23.2.3 and 24.1.0 and the same thing happens.

I attach a dummy model replicating said issue here: 24.0 Item placing error.fsm

Thanks in advance for your help!

FlexSim 24.0.3
warehousingslotitem placement
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Paula LG commented

If you change the Slot Stacking Order it will work as expected:


This could be a bug so we'll create a ticket for it - thanks for alerting us to it.

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