
Angela Garriga avatar image
Angela Garriga asked Jeanette F commented

Virtualize objects to alleviate memory usage

I am testing this flowitem generation logic but I encounter that too many flowitems are occupying memory in the model. In fact, when I try to open the Memory Profiler to check where the most memory is being used, it will not even open. Doing some research about this issue I have seen that others were able to cut down on memory usage through virtualizing objects. I would like to know how object virtualization works step by step and how could I apply it to this model. Would that be an adequate fix for the memory usage issue?

Attached below are the model and the Excel archive that feeds the logic.

Archivo 1 Demanda Prueba 3.xlsx

FlexSim 24.0.3
memory profilervirtualized items
· 2
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

Just turn off "Show Contents" of the queues under "More Visuals" - the problem is you're trying to draw 800K items, not that it's using too much memory (10GB). Why do you need this many in a queue?

5 |100000

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