
Lena Young avatar image
Lena Young asked Jeanette F commented

Adding Customer Code to FlexSim Webserver


I have successfully installed the webserver, and it can upload and run instances normally. Is it possible to connect the webserver to a local script that is stored on the same machine that webserver is fixed to, so that the webserver can display the content of the local script ?

Any help will be appreciated. Thank you!

FlexSim 22.0.16
webserverflexscript coding
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jacob Gillespie commented

Hi Lena, I'm a little unclear exactly what you're trying to achieve but you can edit the html of index.html which is the webserver launch page.

You can also customize the page you see for a model using the serverinterface customization in the model.


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