
jao.fonseca avatar image
jao.fonseca asked jao.fonseca commented

Label does not exist. At activity in process flow "ProcessFlow".

In both simulations, when running the error appears: "time: 2274.714782 exception: Label property Patient recovered in token 'id:111'. The label does not exist. In the Move to emergency/Process activity in the process flow 'ProcessFlow' ."

I don't know what to do, help me. See image below
1716254047051.pngsimulação do almox atual.fsm simulação do almox-caf futuro.fsm

FlexSim 24.0.2
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered jao.fonseca commented

You create tokens without any additional information in your Process Flows. The HC environment Process Flow activities are meant to be used in Patient Flows. With some additional work you could adjust the "Arrivals" flow to create tokens in a general Process Flow, but I don't really see the point of doing this.


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jao.fonseca avatar image jao.fonseca commented ·

In a practical way, what needs to be adjusted? I'm still in doubt, I'm new to flexsim

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann jao.fonseca commented ·

Instead of adding general Process Flows to the model, create additional Patient Flows. Move your logic into those (copy/paste and delete the original). Then assign the different Patient Flows to the "Create Patient" activities in the Arrival Flow.


In your logic, replace any occurence of "token.Patient" with "patient". A Patient Flow is an instanced Process Flow that allows you to reference the respective patient through patient or current.

Check the model I attached in my original answer to see the changes.

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capture1.png (20.2 KiB)
jao.fonseca avatar image jao.fonseca Felix Möhlmann commented ·

There are still errors in my simulation, saying that labels do not exist when purchasing equipment.
simulação do almox atual_autosave.fsm

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