
user12134598 avatar image
user12134598 asked user12134598 commented

How to copy Object Triggers to all selected Objects

Is it possible to copy an object trigger (On Entry: do X) that I have on one queue to all selected Queues?

Alternatively, I could also use the process flow for event triggers (Event-triggered source). However, there, I am missing the On Draw option. Is there a custom code to trigger a token based an 'On Draw' of a Queue?

Thanks in advance!

FlexSim 24.0.1
customcodeevent triggercopy
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered user12134598 commented

There are multiple ways to do this:

Select all objects you want to add the trigger to. Either by holding ctrl and clicking on each one or by holding down shift and drawing a box around the objects (or a combination of the two).


- If you change properties of one of the objects now, the changes will be copied to the other selected objects as well.

- You can open the "Edit Selected Objects" window. Then click on the object that already has the trigger set (so it has a yellow outline) and copy the trigger to the other objects.


- Or you open a property table in the toolbox and add a column for the respective trigger. Then copy/paste the trigger code in the table.



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capture3.png (11.9 KiB)
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