
Przemyslaw Pasich avatar image
Przemyslaw Pasich asked Jeanette F answered

SQL mixed datatypes when using GROUP BY and ORDER BY

When running a SQL query that aggregates over a field using GROUP BY and that field features a mix of datatypes (string and numerical), the results of the query are unexpected:


On the right there is only one datatype (string) in 'type' column and the query results are fine; however, on the left where there is a mix (string + num), the resulting query overwrites the value 'a' with a 0.

Is this a bug or am I misunderstanding how SQL works?

The model that recreates this behavior is attached:


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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
Jeanette F answered

Hello @Przemyslaw Pasich,

The columns need to be the same data type. If the column is all strings then the query works as expected.

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