
Martin avatar image
Martin asked Paula LG answered

Move Transporter to object if queue empty process flow

Hi there,

I have a simple model that is creating objects from a date time source populated by an Excel sheet. When objects arrive at the source, the process flow creates an object and moves it into the queue. Then the transporter loads from the queue and unloads to the rack. Two things I'm trying to figure out here:

1) How do I make the transporter return to the "parking lot" (a plane object), but only if there are no more objects in the queue to transport.

2) The transporter doesn't seem to honor it's capacity of 1 when using the load process flow. It loads everything that is in the queue. How can I control that?




FlexSim 24.1.0
process flowwarehouse
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1 Answer

Paula LG avatar image
Paula LG answered

Hi Martin,

Everything you want to implement in your model can be done using TaskSequences. To do so, you should redefine your load/unload logic so that it looks like this:


By doing that, you make sure that each TaskSequence consists on loading and unloading a single item and that they are dispatched to the forklift in arrival order. In addition, it allows you to add a trigger to the forklift called "On Resource Available" that makes the transporter travel to a location of your choosing if it doesn't have any tasksequences left to fulfill (default condition).


I also noticed that there's something missing from your logic; when unloading or moving any item to a rack via ProcessFlow, you need to find an available slot and assign it to the item in advance. That can be done using the "Find Slot" activity, located in the Warehousing tab of the object library.

I hope it helps!

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