
a_ltf avatar image
a_ltf asked Jeanette F commented

generate & picking random orders in an automated warehouse

on the model previously provided by @Jeanette F

can we simulate orders by creating a random number of quantities per product for each order.
(Say order1: 2 type1 0 type2 3 type3, order2: 3 type1 2 type2 1 type3).

each ars conveys its products per order to the OrderConveyer

(proccesing one order at the time on the OrderConveyer)


source 2 provides a pallet for each order

combiner1 packs everything on the OrderConveyer (since it has only one order on it) then move it to finished orders queue

FlexSim 22.2.1
process flowwarehouseavg
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Jeanette F avatar image
1 Like"
Jeanette F answered Jeanette F commented

Hello @Ahmed_mohamed L2,

I had to make several assumptions, so please let me know if there are parts of the logic I created that are not as you intended.

For starters I made sure there were the correct connections between the racks, ASRS, conveyors, combiners, queues, and source.

I placed three Decision Points on the conveyor. The first is right before the racks start by the pallet source. This Decision Point send the pallet to the combiner and checks that only one pallet enters until the combiner is done with that order.

The second decision point is to send the picked flowitems to the combiner

The third decision point signals that the combiner finished the order and to send the finished pallet to the last exit transfer.


The logic for creating the orders is in the process flow. When a pallet enters the combiner a token is created. This token is randomly assigned quantities for each item type. The combiner is updated with the correct info on how many items to pack. A token is created for each item in that order and then the items are pulled from the racks and loaded onto the conveyor.



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