
gaca1920 avatar image
gaca1920 asked Nitish edited

Truck loading process

I present in my simulation the process of manipulation the goods and shipping to the customer. The problem is that I am missing the connection between transporters and the trucks to load the goods. I don't know how to do it. I attached the simulation file and picture below. Please help me. obraz_2024-05-25_101912814.png

FlexSim 23.2.3
loading onto the trucktrucksload and unloadtrucks as a task executortransporter problem
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1 Answer

Nitish avatar image
Nitish answered Nitish edited

Hello @Gaca1920

You can directly move the items from transporter to truck using process flow, but it will be little complicated.

Instead, you can use this simple method.

In this case, I have created a queue with a certain batching quantity and kept it on the truck. The items from separator will be moved to the queue using transporter and once the batch quantity is reached for the queue, the truck will pick the items and move it to the customer location.



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