
luis-rodrigues avatar image
luis-rodrigues asked luis-rodrigues commented

Token entering late

Hi, I'm working on a model that has a chart that records when a token from a specific "combiner" enters the processtime, suposedly it's working fine but when I've gone to analyse the data I saw that for the combiners 2, 4, 5, 6 and 7 the tokens are getting there late (In the image I show the difference from the time of the simulation and the theoretical time, that should be aproximatly 0).

I'm trying to figure out why this happens.


Hope you can help me.


FlexSim 24.1.0
late token
1.png (14.4 KiB)
mlall.fsm (404.9 KiB)
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered luis-rodrigues commented

I don't know how the "theoretical" time is calculated, but I suspect its due to

- the time it takes to replenish the "tables" and move the item off the palletizer

- the fact that only two tokens total are allowed to enter the palletizer zone at a time (should probably be two tokens per palletizer)

· 7
5 |100000

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luis-rodrigues avatar image luis-rodrigues commented ·
The theoretical time is just calculated by the sum of the last time with the process time and the lost time (like it is on the simulation).

What I really want is two tokens to palletizer and not two tokens total to the palletizer zone (has you said), can you suggest me something to make this right?

Thank you @Felix Möhlmann

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann luis-rodrigues commented ·

Deactivate the overall limit.


And set up the partition to correctly partition the tokens by the palletizer they use. The constraint is already set.


As soon as the "tables" need to be restocked you will see a discrepancy again. To fix this, the restocking should be parallel to the main process.

A rough sketch of how this could look:

The actual restocking is handled in a separate section of the Process Flow. An Event-Triggered Source listens for the table queues' content to drop to 2, then starts the process to procure more.

The items in the queue are pushed to a list, partitioned by the list. The 'main' token then needs to pull one of the items from the respective partition before it can continue. This way it only needs to wait for the restock if the queue is actually empty.

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capture1.png (3.0 KiB)
capture2.png (5.6 KiB)
luis-rodrigues avatar image luis-rodrigues Felix Möhlmann commented ·

It should be something like this?


I'm having a hard time doing this since I never used a event triggered source.

Hope you can help me

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