
Afonso Silva avatar image
Afonso Silva asked Afonso Silva commented

dev folder in Model Tree not found in my FlexSim 2024 student version license

I was following the instructions to create a module SDK, however i cannot find the VIEW:/environment/dev folder in the Tree Node.


How can i find a solution for this problem? Is it the student version that doesnt have this folder?

FlexSim 24.1.0
model treedeveloper usemodulesdk
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Afonso Silva commented

The quickstart guide tells you to add the node. It is not present by default regardless of license. ;-)


Shortcuts for adding nodes:
- Space bar to add a node below the one currently selected
- Enter to add a subnode to the currently selected node

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Afonso Silva avatar image Afonso Silva commented ·

Thank you Felix.

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