
Tomi Kosunen avatar image
Tomi Kosunen asked Jason Lightfoot edited

LTS version


If a FlexSim version is considered as LTS version, why it is not found from downloads after ~6 months?

In Oct 2023 I decided to use LTS version 23.0.11. The reason to use the (current) LTS version was to ensure, that this exact version would be found from downloads after some time. But now there is version 23.0.15 (not LTS) closest. What would be the correct procedure if I want to make sure, that I can install the same version after a year or two? Saving a copy of the installer is one option of course.

FlexSim 23.1.0
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot edited

Bug fixes are applied to the LTS version up until the next major release becomes the LTS Version - v24.0.3 on 8th March in this case. At that point you will see in the release notes that 24.0.3 includes all the bug fixes in 23.0.15. You can consider 23.0.15 as the last LTS release for version 23. New bug fixes of course will now be applied to v24.0 only.

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