
Leandro Meirelles avatar image
Leandro Meirelles asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Move AMR to home after last cycle before timetable downtime


I have an AMR model that depends on operator for load and unload activities. So, between times 11:30 to 12:30, 17:30 to 18:30 and 21:30 to 22:30 (timetable1), all operators and AMR goes down, but the AMR needs to go to the home location to charge battery.

The problem is that the AMR is probably busy in the middle of a cycle, so I need to add a control on my process flow to before acquire an AMR, I need to check the time, if It's 5 min or less from a down time schedule, i want him to wait the token till the downtime ends and the operators returns for work.

Which is the best way to do that?

Follow my model attached:


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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Since the AMR is acquired as a resource in Process Flow, you could build a small logic block that simply acquires it when the downtime starts, sends it to the home location (possible changes its state) and then keeps it acquired until the downtime ends. (Instead of having it as a member of the time table.)


problemx1-1.fsm (20.5 MiB)
· 2
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Leandro Meirelles avatar image Leandro Meirelles commented ·
Hi Felix,

Perfect, i just didn't understand the label "Endtime", why the value is 12.5?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Leandro Meirelles commented ·
It's the time of day when the downtime ends, measured in hours (12:30 PM -> 12.5h). It's compared to the current hour of day gotten from the model datetime in the delay activity.

As I mention in that code, if the downtime starts before midnight but ends after, you'd have to adjust the code accordingly to handle this case.

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