
mni_pei avatar image
mni_pei asked Felix Möhlmann answered

I want to record the real time when the AGVs reach a specific point.

I created a from-to table and hope that AGVs can load and unload objects at specific times according to the from-to table.

I hope that at the 0th second, the AGV can run from Node_1 to Node_2, and at the 5th second, perform the unload action on Node_2


The current model seems to be running smoothly.

However, I don’t know whether the AGVs arrive at specific points at the time I want, so I want to record the real time when the AGVs reach a specific point.

I'm trying to use a statistics collector to record arrival times, but it seems something wrong.




I don't know how to deal with this problem.

Can someone help me to figure out?

Or, is it possible that it can record the real arrival time directly into the global table?


Thanks in advanced.


FlexSim 23.0.15
record dataarrival timesgloabal table
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

You use "data.agv", but the label "agv" is not defined anywhere. The task executer is by default assigned to "data.te". Change te to agv.

You currently use the AGV as the row value and do not finish the row. This means that the statistics collector will only keep a single per AGV that is updated each time the event fires. Is that your goal? If so, the arrivalCP column should have the cp name as "Event Value" as well.

Vice versa, if you want to get a row for each event, finish the row after each event (the checkmark below the row value field) and assign the arrivaltime column value when the row is created.

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