
komalkoli avatar image
komalkoli asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Operator Not Working as per Task Sequence

Task Sequence.fsm


I have two questions:

Question 1

I have operator named "Eva" in model. This operator has 4 tasks in a sequence as Task1, Task2, Task3 & Task4. This operator currently performing Task4 first and then remaining tasks.

I tried "Priority" option but it is not working.

How should I make this operator to perform tasks in sequence? Please modify attached model as needed.

Question 2

The operator "Eva" supposed to use pallet jack only for Task1. Right now this operator uses pallet jack for all the tasks even after I have "Release pallet jack" entered in process flow.

How should I make this operator to use pallet jack for Task1 only?

Thank you in advance..!!

FlexSim 24.1.0
operatorcoordinated task sequencepallet jack
task-sequence.fsm (11.4 MiB)
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Felix Möhlmann commented

The order of tasks currently only depends on the order in which the Event-Triggered Sources produce tokens - first come, first serve. If you want to do the tasks in sequence build the logic that way, how it was done for "Ron".

You can use lists to keep track of which items are available in different queues and pull them when it is time to move them to the next station.

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komalkoli avatar image komalkoli commented ·
Okay let me check it.

Do you have any feedback for my Question 2?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann komalkoli commented ·
Sorry, forgot to answer the second question. Releasing a resource just means that the Process Flow resource can now again be acquired by a different token. The 3d object is still inside the operator. You have to move it back into the model (Move Object activity, destination "model()", probably would want to check "Preserve Global Position")
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