
Ayman avatar image
Ayman asked Jeanette F commented

Can a patient be stretchered into the 3D model?

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Sort of. You can create a copy of an existing gurney and staff member (or a completely new one, but that would be needlessly complex) and move the patient into the gurney.

You can do this through the "Walk" or "Enter Location" activity (the latter is for example found in the inner flow of a Walk activity) but the patient will have to run through the animation for laying down. Or this can be done near instantly in code, but then the animation has to be stopped manually before the patient can move normally again and it will not exit the gurney with an animation.

Both cases are demonstrated in the attached model. Just swap which activity block the connector from the Source goes to.


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