
Tony Nikolov avatar image
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Tony Nikolov asked Mischa Spelt commented

Help with Arrival Time?

So my model runs well but I have an error with arrivals. For my arrival rate, the system calls for a batch of entities entering the system on Thursday all at once (the time of day on Thursday doesn't really matter as long as they all get in on that day). Based on my data, there should be a batch of 45 entering the system during this day, but with some sort of variability (normal, exponential, etc.) but I can't seem to find an arrival function that allows me to have a variable arrival rate on a weekly schedule. How could I tackle this problem?

statistical distributionarrivals
· 1
5 |100000

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1 Answer

Marco Baccalaro avatar image
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Marco Baccalaro answered Tony Nikolov commented

You can put a Source and a Separator in sequence. The Source creates an item on Thursday and the Separator multiplies it in a number that follow a statistical distribution.

· 1
5 |100000

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