
Stella avatar image
Stella asked Jason Lightfoot commented

How to set up Process Flow given Shared Resources Transporters and Processors

Hello, I am struggling making my model and process flow to work. Can you please help me troubleshoot and correct. Please share what I am doing wrong. Still learning while getting project requests to deliver like this one. Thank you! Banding Ops Scenario Chicagov2.fsm

Here is my process in a nutshell that I try to create in my model and PF:

Pallet Pickup from Queue: There are x count of transporters that need to pick up pallets from a queue as it arrives at the source.

Travel to Banding Process Area: The transporters travel to 1 of 6 designated banding process areas. In my model, I used the subflow, which I am not sure if this works.

Waiting for Process Completion: After reaching the banding process area, the transporters should wait for 720 seconds.

Pallet Delivery to Another Queue: Once the banding process is completed, the transporters should move to the next queue and drops the pallet.

Returning to the Starting Queue: After delivering the pallet to the second queue, the transporters should return to the starting queue.

FlexSim 24.1.0
modellingprocess flow debug
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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @Stella, was Felix Möhlmann's answer helpful? If so, please click the "Accept" button at the bottom of their answer. Or if you still have questions, add a comment and we'll continue the conversation.

If we haven't heard back from you within 3 business days we'll auto-accept an answer, but you can always comment back to reopen your question.

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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Jason Lightfoot commented

Here are some things that I noticed:

- Do not use objects from the default environment with groups or other tools from the HC environment. The HC environment automatically collects a bunch of information about the objects in the model ("People Statistics Tables") but default objects lack the state profiles that for this. Hence why you get a long list of errors when the model is reset.

- The "Dimensionals" queue currently sends items to the banding machines through port connections. If you want to control this through Process Flow, remove these. Otherwise you'd end up with two competing control logics.

- The only activities in the Banding Sub Flow that are set up in a valid way are the Travel and Release activities. In the Acquire activities you tell the token to acquire 0 resources, because the token does not have any child tokens. In the Load activity the item to load is given through the label "Type". This label contains a number, not an object reference. The same is true for the Unload activity. In the Delay task activity you refer to the Transporter resource as the task executer/task sequence instead of the acquired transport. And similarly, in the first Travel activity, you set the destination as the Banders resource when it should be an object in the 3d model.

I'd suggest to work through the general Process Flow and Task Logic tutorials to get a better understanding of how the Process Flow works.

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Stella avatar image Stella commented ·

Thank you Felix! I will go over the tutorial to understand the elements of PF better.

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Stella avatar image Stella commented ·

I have a follow up question and still around creating the PF for a simple banding operation.

My model gets an error after running called "Invalid task has been encountered." I cannot figure out why this is occuring. Can someone please share what I may be doing wrong with this? Do you have any reference s.t., I can learn how to make my picker move using the process flow? I attach the image below and also the file that is getting the error. Please guide and thanks! Banding Ops Scenario Chicago Ideal State Phase5.fsmannotation-2024-07-25-181310.png

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Stella commented ·

You're issuing a command to travel to a destination stored as a label on the token:


But that token has no destination label:


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