
kyle.ku avatar image
kyle.ku asked Jeanette F commented

separator two different product to output port

I use combiner source1 join to source2 and source max contect is 50, next need use separator to unpacnk source2, Separate piece by piece source1

how can i solve this problem

Flexsim version : 20.21720771118973.png

CFX Demon line.fsm

FlexSim 20.2.3
1720771118973.png (289.8 KiB)
cfx-demon-line.fsm (15.3 MiB)
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Jeanette F avatar image Jeanette F ♦♦ commented ·

Hi @kyle.ku,

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1 Answer

Emily Hardy avatar image
Emily Hardy answered

1. To put the PCBs into the box, on Combiner 1 (Laser Prestation), you need to set the combiner mode to "Pack" rather than "Join". This will put the PCBs into the box rather than joining all of them into one object (including the container).


2. For the Separator to unpack these items onto the conveyor line, you want to use the "Send to Port: Default Separator Option". This option allows you to put one destination for the box and another destination for the contents (in this case, the PCBs). Once the box is unpacked and all the contents are on the conveyor the empty box will go into the queue.



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