
Rohith V avatar image
Rohith V asked Jason Lightfoot commented

Retain minimum quantities in a Queue before releasing

I'm looking for some help to understand a better way to have a queue release parts to one of the output port only when the minimum quantities has been reached. I will still need this queue to release parts to the other output port regardless of the minimum quantity.

Thank you in advance.

FlexSim 22.2.0
minimumminimum stockwaiting in queue
5 |100000

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Jason Lightfoot commented

You don't say how many you want to release to the other port when the minimum level is reached.

If it's all of them then you can either route the port in the sendto based on rank or have the downstream queue pull - for example only pulling items with a specific rank.


· 3
5 |100000

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Rohith V avatar image Rohith V commented ·

Thank you!

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Rohith V avatar image Rohith V commented ·

Hi Jason, With the same model you shared, I added operators for transport and linked them to a dispatcher. I also set the queue max content limits. Now, I notice the queue 3 stops pulling after the first run. When I don't have transporters this model works fine. Will you eb able to tell me what is changing after I add the operators which is stopping queue 3 to pull from queue 1.



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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ Rohith V commented ·

Try changing the specific rank code to:

return item.rank >= ranknum;
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Joerg Vogel avatar image
1 Like"
Joerg Vogel answered Rohith V commented

You can let pull a following object items of a queue, then you can set conditions like

object.subnodes.length > 10

to receive items.

If you want to close an output port then you can do this only by adding further queue objects in your item flow structure. Such queues have a capacity of one and you have to evaluate the stored items of all queues together.


· 1
5 |100000

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Rohith V avatar image Rohith V commented ·

Thank you!

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