
fiz avatar image
fiz asked Felix Möhlmann commented

errors as a result of 3d queue deleted during simulation (send to sink)

hi, i am currently running a simulation which the flow is as such,


1) pull order from queue (MainAssy6) - ObjectProcessFlow/WarehouseDeliveryPull


2) classify the delivery for this order as "Delivery Mission", and push to Mission List

3) DeliveryMissionProcessFlow will then pull the delivery missions as well as pull delivery points(station) so as to "book" the delivery point

4) once the delivery mission is executed, operators on the delivery points will unload the bins from the trolley.

5) with the empty trolley there is now a recycle mission. the recycle mission return the trolley from available initial pick up points (transfer area slots)

6) once recycle mission is done, the simulation will then "return" or push back the delivery station slot or point back to its orginal list indicating that the point is available to be book by others for future use

missing queue

As a result of linking the push delivery station slot to sink, my delivery slot which initially was a queue in the 3d model, to be missing/deleted. this caused the errors to arise.

i would like to redo the part before sending the slot to sink to avoid the above from happening but how may i redo it?

link1 sim with errors

link2 redo simulation

FlexSim 21.0.10
sink data
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fiz avatar image fiz commented ·

I tried rectifying the errors by not putting a sink at all and it works, but since there is no where else the tokens could go it piles up and remains there. By doing this, what are the implications that it could bring? or is this the way it should be done?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann commented ·

I found nothing in your Process Flow that should cause this. The "MainAssy6" node still exists in the model, but it's data has been removed.

When I open the model the node is selected (red outline) which makes be think you might have accidently overwritten it's data when editing other objects.


Maybe try re-adding the queue and running the model again. You first need to "unprotect" the old node, so you can delete it. You can do this in the "Edit Selected Objects" window found under "View".


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fiz avatar image fiz Felix Möhlmann commented ·

Hi Felix. I remove the sink as per my previous comment and everything worked fine. but i am curious, since there is no where else the tokens could go it piles up and remains there. By doing this, what are the implications that it could bring? or is this the way it should be done?

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann fiz commented ·

You can let the tokens enter a sink. I don't believe the sink is what could have caused the issue.

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