
csmcdavid avatar image
csmcdavid asked Vinay S commented

Is it possible to have an operator push a flowitem rather than carry it?

I have a hopper. I have a combiner. I use the hopper as the container and join the contents to create a load. This load is subsequently moved to another location via a forklift. The hoppers wait in a queue. Currently, my operator "lifts and carries" the hopper to the combiner. Can I create a visual where the operator pushes the hopper to the combiner? The same operator also lifts pallets to other objects.

Thank you

FlexSim 24.1.0
operator animationflow containers
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Vinay S avatar image
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Vinay S answered Vinay S commented

Are you expecting like this ?

push-trim.mp4 (662.3 KiB)
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Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered

Here is an example (PushCart_Animation_Example_24.1.fsm) of how to set the location of an item and change the animation of an Operator.

After the item is loaded into the Operator, I use a Change Visual activity (named "Set item's Location on Floor") to set the location of the item so it looks like it is on the floor.

Then I use a Run Animation activity (named "Run PushCart Animation") to change the animation of the Operator so it looks like it is pushing the item instead of holding it. I also use a Custom Code activity (named "Stop PushCart Animation") with the "Stop Animation" dropdown option that stops the PushCart animation after the item is unloaded into Queue2.

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Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered csmcdavid commented

When the operator loads the item you can try setting its z location to zero.

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