
Josué Islas avatar image
Josué Islas asked Josué Islas commented

Two-height conveyor equipment

I want to simulate a two-height conveyor equipment like the one shown in the image (52 inches upper part & 30 inches lower part) but I cannot find how to modify the height of the conveyor legs or how to put one conveyor under the other so that it looks like the image I show, any suggestions or ideas?




Warehouse CCLS v1.0.fsm

FlexSim 24.1.0
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

There isn't really a good way to have the legs extend beyond the conveyor like in your picture. If that is not important I would only have the legs drawn for the upper conveyor (create a separate visualization and set the "Repeat Distance" to 0 for the lower conveyor).


Other than that I can only suggest to not draw any legs for the conveyors and instead use separate objects with a custom shape or build from basic shapes in the "Visual/Animation" editor in FlexSim.

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