
Takumi.H avatar image
Takumi.H asked Takumi.H edited

How do I set up a NUCLEUS local server for Omniverse?

I'm trying to eventually connect USD Composer and FlexSim in a live session.

As a preliminary step, I am trying to start a local server and log in.

Whenever I start the NVIDIA Omniverse Launcher, go to the “NUCLEUS” tab, enter the local server name, and then enter the user name and password, I always get a message “Wrong credentials or the user does not exist”. I cannot log in to the local server.

I have written down the username and password that I set up when I set up the local server.

I have entered the above information, so it is not possible that I have entered different information.


I would like to know if I am doing something wrong.

FlexSim 24.2.1
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Jason Lightfoot avatar image Jason Lightfoot ♦♦ commented ·
Do you have caps-lock on? Are you using your nvidia id rather than the server admin user and password? I wonder if there's an issue with directories with non-ASCII characters...
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1 Answer

Logan Gold avatar image
Logan Gold answered Takumi.H edited

@Takumi.H, try using admin for both the Username and Password. It looks like that is the default for the login credentials.

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Takumi.H avatar image Takumi.H commented ·

Thank you for your reply.

I entered admin for username and password as it seemed to be the default and was able to log in successfully.

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Takumi.H avatar image Takumi.H commented ·

Please allow me to ask an additional question.

Where is the Toggle On button at 2:07 of the video in the URL below?
Omniverse Local Nucleus Server Setup Tutorial (

Now it looks like there has been an update or that button is missing as shown in the image below.


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screenshot-1.png (1.2 MiB)
Logan Gold avatar image Logan Gold ♦♦ Takumi.H commented ·
I'm not familiar with using Omniverse. I just searched for the error message you were getting and found an Nvidia/Omniverse forum post where someone suggested using the admin credentials.

Maybe @Jason Lightfoot or @Kavika F could weigh in on where that button/option may be.

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Takumi.H avatar image Takumi.H Logan Gold ♦♦ commented ·

Thank you for your reply.

I understand the situation.

@Jason Lightfoot , @Kavika F , do you know regarding the above?

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