
mm_y_2406 avatar image
mm_y_2406 asked Felix Möhlmann commented

Query WHERE filter

Hello, I am trying to pull a specific task of the list WHERE it only pulls the task with Station Labelled to the 3D object named WH4Outbound. I wrote it as: WHERE Station == Model.find("WH4Outbound") However, what I wrong doesn't seem to work, can you let me know what am I supposed to write in the Query? 1725363755093.png

FlexSim 24.1.0
sql querypull query
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered Felix Möhlmann commented

Assign the object pointer to a label on the puller called 'station' and then use WHERE Station=puller.station

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mm_y_2406 avatar image mm_y_2406 commented ·
This works. Thank you. I have another question: is it not possible to choose a specific station from the Where query without having a label on the puller?
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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann mm_y_2406 commented ·

You can add an expression field that returns the name of the object and compare a string to that in the query. This will of course lead to errors if you also have values on the list that do not have a 'name'.



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