
Rocio A avatar image
Rocio A asked Rocio A commented

Binding a label to a model object

Hello, in my model, I need to create a label called Destino that refers to a 3D element


to be able to make an AGV travel to that point in the Flow process.

If I put this: "" it takes the name of the object but not its location.


but I need to appear this:


The route to reach that activity in the processFlow of this process is this:


Than you.

FlexSim 24.1.1
process flowlabelsmodel
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
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Felix Möhlmann answered Rocio A commented

As long as the object is a direct subnode of the model (not placed inside a plane for example) you can use "Model.find()" to get a reference to the object by name.

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Rocio A avatar image Rocio A commented ·

Hi @Felix Möhlmann, Is there any other way to achieve the same thing without using planes (that the object is on the model) and without having to use Model.find?

Thank you.

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Felix Möhlmann avatar image Felix Möhlmann Rocio A commented ·

Having the object inside a plane will make Model.find() not work (at least not in this form). It is a detriment not a requirement.

Where does the "Destino" label on the pulled object come from? Maybe you can replace that with a pointer already.

Another option would be to create a lookup map that links the name to a pointer to the object.

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Rocio A avatar image Rocio A Felix Möhlmann commented ·

In my model the "Destino" label refers to these queues.


It is a dynamic process where the queue that will be the destination changes depending on where the item enters, that is why I cannot go directly with the pointer.

My question was if knowing that the object that is going to be the "Destino" (the image tails) is in the model is there another way (FlexScript syntax) to express Model.find(token.pulled.Destino).


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