
Howard avatar image
Howard asked Logan Gold commented

How to call different dispatcher operator ?

The processor 5 call out dispatcher 5 only now.

I want to sometimes processor 5 calls out dispatcher 6 one operator or dispatcher 7 one operator to do a quality checks.

How do I approach this?


globaltabledemohr-globallist-add-headcount-by-task 20240819 (Use row number to set split).fsm

FlexSim 24.1.1
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
Jason Lightfoot answered

There are many options and decisions to be made based on your decision about the detail to which you're modelling your process. Once you know the task to issue and whether the process should stop. it's just a question of when and who to.

To start with I would ask myself these questions:

When do I need a quality checker?

Does it coincide with FlexSim events I already have or do I need to create new events?

Does this impact the process?
With the next process be stopped until QC is done?

If it happens during processing does it stop the current process?

Where do I need a quality checker?

Is it at the FlexSim objects I already have or do I need to create new objects?

How do I reference which quality checker to give the job to?

Are the dispatchers connected to center ports; should I add label pointers and give them meaningful label names, or should I put them in a list and pull by function?

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