
REX BRIONES avatar image
REX BRIONES asked Marco Baccalaro edited

How to Prioritize delivery of transporters when the content of a queue reaches a certain number?

I have 3 item types that are processed by 2 combiners, then transported by 2 transporters (using a dispatcher) to 2 separators, each connected to 3 queues as storage, and then the items are transported to 2 sinks.

My question is how do I make the model prioritize delivery from the combiner to a separator when the total content of the 3 queues connected to that separator reaches a certain level (like a re-order point)?

I'm using FlexSim 4.5.0.

FlexSim (other - please specify)
FlexSim (other)
queuetransporterdispatcherprioritizationre-order point
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1 Answer

Marco Baccalaro avatar image
Marco Baccalaro answered Marco Baccalaro edited

Control the queue contents on Sento To Port of the combiners.

For Example:

treenode separator1 = outobject(current,1);

treenode separator2 = outobject(current,2);

if (content(outobject(separator1,1) + content(outobject(separator1,2) + content(outobject(separator1,3)) > content(outobject(separator2,1) + content(outobject(separator2,2) + content(outobject(separator2,3)))

return 2;


return 1;

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