
Rohan V3 avatar image
Rohan V3 asked Rohan V3 commented

Conveyor Exception Error

The following error started popping up randomly:

exception: Exception caught in SimpleDataType::bindSDTNode() on /Tools/ProfileData/objTreeMap/StraightConveyor625/variables/traversals/"130"/traversalPoints/"3". A module's class bind() methods may not be implemented correctly.

How to fix it?

FlexSim 22.2.4
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1 Answer

Jason Lightfoot avatar image
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Jason Lightfoot answered Rohan V3 commented

Okay - the ProfileData node under Tools stores information stored by the Performance Profiler - you should be able to close the PerformanceProfiler and remove the node either through the tree view or by running this code:

  1. node("MODEL:/Tools/ProfileData").destroy();
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