
vinom5292 avatar image
vinom5292 asked vinom5292 commented

subtract the Two Rows of same column in statistics Collector/Calculated Table


I have created a statistic collector in which I have column called as "OK TRAYS CUMULATIVE". This column stores the cumulative input to the Sink 1 on hourly bases.

But at the same time, I wish to subtract the Row Values of this column and create a new column.

I tried using Calculated Table, but unfortunately it offers only column to column subtraction.

Example = 361 - 179 = 182 and so on..


Can you please help me understand the way to subtract the values of the row in the same coloumn?Final Dashboard.fsm



FlexSim 24.1.1
calculated tablestatistic collectorsubstraction
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered vinom5292 commented

You can add an extra column to the statistics collector that stores the difference between the cumulative value of the current and previous row.


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