
mpj12 avatar image
mpj12 asked Felix Möhlmann answered

Order agnostic processes

I have a part that must undergo 3 different processes (represented by 3 different processors). I currently have these 3 processes in series, but I am trying to model the actual behavior which is: there is no order. The parts can be processed by the 3 processors in any order, as long as they undergo these processes. I am trying to stick to the 3D sim for this effort. Any pointers on what tool to use is welcome.

FlexSim 23.2.2
processs flow
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered

Write the information which processes an item still has to go through to label(s) on the item. Make them available in a single queue that all processors pull from and return the item to afterwards. By activating the Pull behaviour on the processors you can specify conditions that have to be fulfilled in order for the item to be pulled in the "Pull Requirement" field. Here you'd use the label information, so a processor only pulls items that it has not worked on yet. In the Process Finish or Exit trigger, change the label to denote that the item has completed the respective step.


In the attached example I use a single array label that contains all steps/processes the item still has to undergo. You could of course also use one label per process.


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