
Kauan santos avatar image
Kauan santos asked

How to get my separator to release my batch in process

Hi guys,

I'm trying to solve a problem, I'm simulating an AGV flow where I don't have an AGV call system, it stays in the continuous flow of loading the batch, going to the assembly line, unloading the batch and loading the batch with the box or empty. The point is that when I go to load the batch empty or not on the assembly line it is in process in my separator and when I ask for the batch to leave the separator and go to the agv it only sends the pallet and the parts remain in the separator I would like that when I ask for the batch to leave my separator everything leaves both pallet and part.


Here's an example, only the pallet came back to the AGV and the parts didn't, I'd like everything to come back to the agv.


FlexSim 24.2.0
processs flowseparatortokens
123pecas.png (113.0 KiB)
perguntaforum.fsm (14.5 MiB)
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