
hikel avatar image
hikel asked hikel commented

How to pick close parts first

I wanna make the picking start with closed part number first then continue, and I have a problem only when I am am trying to pick 2 and 3 time from T1 only it is not print "can't find the part and didn't pick the other part" I did change the lable from token.Pick.PartNumber to token.partNumber which it the partition ID but didn't work for me.Pick.fsm

FlexSim 23.2.2
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1 Answer

Jacob W2 avatar image
Jacob W2 answered hikel commented

Hi @hikel,

After looking at your model, the first issue is with the exception that the model throws at the beginning of the model run. You are referencing token.Picker in your Print missing inventory activity before you set a label for token.Picker. If you change the order of the "AcquirePicker," and "Run Find Parts" activities this gets rid of that exception and allows your model to begin running.

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hikel avatar image hikel commented ·

Thank you @Jacob W2 no error in the model when I am trying to pick 3 times the same list it shows this error. Because the 3 time one of the parts need to be picked missing no normaly it should pick the list without the missing part and print or show that we pick 3 times only this part with qty is missing...pick (1).fsm1727889122855.png

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1727889122855.png (29.7 KiB)
pick-1.fsm (67.8 KiB)
Jacob W2 avatar image Jacob W2 ♦ hikel commented ·
Hi @hikel​,

That error is saying that you don't have a valid destination for your picker to travel to. It looks like you have multiple labels with a "NULL" or "<no path>" value, which is preventing your transporter from accomplishing it's task. It seems that when you delete a pallet, you aren't updating your pickArray fields to take into account that the first pallet has been emptied and removed from the model. Fixing that should prevent the problem you are seeing.

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hikel avatar image hikel Jacob W2 ♦ commented ·
Hy @Jacob W2 How can I do that? because this model is working when I have all parts available to be picked otherwise it shows no destination because the part is missing. normally it should pick the other parts and just print the missing part.
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