
Kristoffer Sperre avatar image
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Kristoffer Sperre asked Kristoffer Sperre commented

Defining transporter load time per item


I’m building a model were I try to replicate parts of the attached model (warehouse picking demo from a previous question). Unfortunately, I’m struggling with implementing pick time per item. When I increase the amount to be picked at a given location the transporter does not use more time at the station. I find this a bit strange as it should take more time to pick 5 items compared to 1.

Does anyone know where in the model the loading time per flow item is decided?

Thanks in advance :)

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Brandon Peterson avatar image
Brandon Peterson answered Kristoffer Sperre commented


The model that you are trying to duplicate does work quite differently than one that uses actual flowitems in the racks. I am unsure of your level of understanding of the model so I will start with a general description of how the model works.

The flowitems in the model represent trips and flow through the model (Source -> InQueue -> OutQueue -> Sink) without going through the racks. The reason that the fork lifts travel to the racks is due to the code that resides in the InQueue's TransportResource and OnMessage triggers. All of the actual travel tasks are created in the TransportResource trigger.

In the TransportResource trigger (Code field next to the Use Transport check box) the code creates a tasksequence for the forklift that determines where it travels and how long it delays for loading. The general flow of the code is as follows:

  1. Travel to the InQueue
  2. Load the Trip flowitem
  3. Send Message to InQueue to execute the Load Message Code
  4. Loop through the Orders associated with the Trip
    1. Travel to the rack that contains the order
    2. Travel the offset to the order location in the rack
    3. Delay for the load time
    4. Send Message to InQueue to execute the Pick Message Code
  5. Travel to the OutQueue
  6. Unload the Trip flowitem
  7. Send Message to InQueue to execute the Unload Message Code

The Order table contains the number of items in the order and the location row to use for the Locations table. The rack object, bay, level, and delaytime (per part) are all defined by the Locations Table. The delaytime in the Locations table is actually a function that gets executed with the amount value from the Orders table passed in as a parameter. The code to look at for all of this is on lines 21-25 of the TransportResource trigger.

Ultimately the answer to your question can be found on lines 25 and 31 of the TransportResource trigger. Line 25 is where the value of the delay (load time) is calculated. Line 31 is where the delay task (load time) is inserted into the tasksequence for each order.

I hope this answers your question,


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Adrian Haws avatar image
Adrian Haws answered Adrian Haws edited

@Kristoffer Sperre in response to your second question this is what I came up with (see attached model). I sent flowitems from a source to two racks, and set a trigger in OnCreation to Set Itemtype.

I then told the source to send corresponding itemTypes to separate racks (since you wanted the transporter to define load time based on which rack it is).

Finally, I set the load time on the transporter to vary based on the itemType.

Hope this helps!

loadtime4.png (166.3 KiB)
loadtime1.png (26.1 KiB)
loadtime2.png (21.0 KiB)
loadtime3.png (33.9 KiB)
loadtime.fsm (19.2 KiB)
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Sam Stubbs avatar image
Sam Stubbs answered Sam Stubbs commented

You can adjust the load time per item in the Task Executor properties window . The field where it says "Load Time" defines how much time per item it takes to load. I've included a simple example.

loadtime.png (29.9 KiB)
exampleloadtime.fsm (17.6 KiB)
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