
Ludovica Pilleri avatar image
Ludovica Pilleri asked Ludovica Pilleri commented

GIS distribution Logic, too many trucks on the map

Hello, i already asked this question in a previous post but i wanted to ask it again on a new one. Some of you have helped me with this model and i think it's finally working properly, expect for the create objects logic that should display the trucks that travel from my factory to the warehouses and transport the demand needed by each of this warehouse. I see multiple trucks be created on the factory but they don't move to the warehouses, can someone help me with this?final map model distribution italy.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.0
processs flowgis navigatortrucks as a task executor
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1 Answer

Pablo C4 avatar image
Pablo C4 answered Ludovica Pilleri commented


not sure i completly undestand the model, but :

-the trucks move to the warehouses, but they are so many that the model is really slow, you´re creating 26 trucks every second. To change this, set the delay in the warehouse to 86400 (if you want 26 trucks every day, 28800 if you want them every 8 hours, etc.), tho this may affect others part of the model, as i said, im not sure i understand the model...



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Ludovica Pilleri avatar image Ludovica Pilleri commented ·

Hi Pablo, thank you so much for your help. I found a model here in the flexsim community and i tried to modify it. it originally used a python code to calcolate the minimum cost based on distance and duration between warehouses and multiple factories to decide wich factory would be the most convenient for shipping the items to each warehouse. I tried to use only custome code in flexsim script and i chose to have only one main factory. Mi idea is to get a specific demand from each warehouse and ship it using the trucks. Right now it's generating a random demand and i wanted to ask you if you have any suggestions to do that.

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Pablo C4 avatar image Pablo C4 Ludovica Pilleri commented ·


Do you have the specific demand of the warehouses or you have to calculate it somehow?. if you have it, you could use a global table and the labels on the warehouse object to reference the demand. Another question, you want then to send that demand by truck from the factory, the demand is expressed in wich unit? what is the cargo capacity of a truck?, with that information you could calculate how many tokens/trucks you need to create



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Ludovica Pilleri avatar image Ludovica Pilleri Pablo C4 commented ·

No i don't have the demand but i thought that the label AvgDemand in the table "warehouses" would have been used to calculate it somehow instead of generating a random demand. I'd like to create a demand input and display it on the trucks that travel from the factory to the warehouses. I haven't edited the carogo capacity yet because i don't know how to make the logic that pull the demand from eachwarehouse and create the right number of tokens to fulfill the demand

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