
WillRS avatar image
WillRS asked WillRS commented

How to use Network nodes for enter and exit in the same processor?

Example_Gate Network Node.fsm

In this model, I need to carry out the load unloading process. I'm using truck as flowitem to perform the tasks. At the reception/office there is a process at entry and exit. But I can't configure Network node correctly. The truck went into a loop.

How can I configure it so that the Truck uses the same Processor at the entrance and exit, moving through the Network Node?

FlexSim 23.0.15
warehouselogisticstravel networks
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Pablo C4 avatar image
Pablo C4 answered WillRS commented

created the label step on the truck, the entry trygger on the office adds 1 everytime someting enters and the send to port is set up by case based on the value of the label step


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WillRS avatar image WillRS commented ·


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Pablo C4 avatar image
Pablo C4 answered WillRS commented


The loop you're seeing in your model is not caused by the network nodes, but rather by the input/output connections between fixed resources and the 'send to port' properties set on them. The 'send to port' on the office defaults to the first available port, so if the unload task processor can receive an item, it will be sent to that processor through port 1. You need to implement some logic so that when a flow item enters the office for the first time, it goes through the 1st port, and on subsequent entries, it should go through the second port. You could use a label on the flow item and increment it upon entry to the office, then send it through the port number corresponding to the value of that label

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WillRS avatar image WillRS commented ·
I already tried to do this, but still not working!
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