
Mario García López avatar image
Mario García López asked Mario García López commented

How to use dashboard for items?

Hi! I would like to get the information given from the charts of the dashboard menu but referred to an item. For example, in the model included, I want to know information about the flowitem called "PETER" from the source 2. But I only know how to use dashboard charts for objects. It would be great to get information about state or stadistics or how many time did it wait in a certain queue etc.

Than you!


FlexSim 24.0.4
dashboardsdashboard dataitemflow
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1 Answer

Felix Möhlmann avatar image
Felix Möhlmann answered Mario García López commented

As for default charts, there is the "Item Trace Gantt" which tracks the timing of items entering/exiting fixed resources.


Similar data could be gathered by setting up milestones.

For other specific information you want to collect you would have to create your own Statistics Collector.

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Mario García López avatar image Mario García López commented ·
Thank you so much!
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