
Rocio A avatar image
Rocio A asked Rocio A answered

Query in the Pull from list


I have a process in which an operator has to carry boxes from one queue to another.

I have a parameter that is NOoperators. As many operators will be created as indicated by the NOoperators parameter.

The boxes have a "Type" label that will depend on the number of operators, therefore it will also depend on the NOoperators parameter.

I need each operator to transfer boxes of the same Type from one queue to the other and always the same Type.

I think you have to make a query in the Pull from list but I don't know how to do it.

Could you help me?


Thanks in advance

FlexSim 24.1.1
labelsquerypull from listparametersprocces flow
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Dhakshna avatar image
Dhakshna answered

Hi @Rocio A, I have added a label called 'Type' to the token. Based on its value, it pulls items of the same type from the list. The value for the type is determined by checking the content of the queue. If the queue has items, it takes the value from the first item; otherwise, it assigns a value randomly using a discrete uniform distribution.20241010-demo-subflow-3.fsmscreenshot-2024-10-11-100904.png screenshot-2024-10-11-100949.pngscreenshot-2024-10-11-100924.png

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Rocio A avatar image
Rocio A answered

Hi @Dhakshna ,

Thank you for your answer.

It was very helpful.

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