
Pietro Turrin avatar image
Pietro Turrin asked

Problem AGV and A*Navigation

Hi, I have a problem with the management of the AGVs and the A* navigation system.
In the assembly factory model that I am recreating I want to use the AGVs to bring the components on board the machine, using the A* navigation.
Using them in this way as simple taskexecutors I should not implement dedicated process flows.
Currently, however, I am having difficulties in the implementation, since the AGV gets stuck at the first queue, and transfers the components without moving.
How can I be sure that my path (a mandatory path) is connected correctly?

FABELET V8.3.fsm

FlexSim 24.2.1
agvtaskexecutora* navigation
fabelet-v83.fsm (541.6 KiB)
5 |100000

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