
Rocco avatar image
Rocco asked Emily Hardy answered

How to set up AGV distance, time, battery charger

Hello, I want to create a model of an AGV Charging Station. The system should receive 6 items into each processor, and once completed, the AGV will pick up the items and send them to the sink. However, I'm having trouble with the AGV auto-charging part, where the charging time is 3 hours, and it can be used for about 6 hours. I'm not sure if I can use just 3D modeling alone or if I need to use Process Flow as well. Can you provide an example simulation of how to set the charging time for the AGV? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

FlexSim 24.1.0
agvagvcontrolagv battery level
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1 Answer

Emily Hardy avatar image
Emily Hardy answered

The best solution would be to use Process Flow. I would recommend using one of our pre-built AGV templates as a guide. You can read more about the AGV templates in our user manual here.

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