
amine avatar image
amine asked Steven Hamoen commented

AGV does not follow the correct path

Hello everyone,

I’m encountering an issue with my AGV's behavior in a Process Flow template I modified. Here’s the scenario:

  1. When the AGV unloads an item at the steel mill (AC1), I want it to travel to a control point (masonry control), wait there for a short time, and then continue its route.
  2. If there are items available at the blast furnaces, the AGV should load them and continue its cycle as expected.

However, the problem arises after the AGV unloads at AC1. Instead of traveling to the control point, it starts searching for other items and cycles through all the stations while empty. It eventually returns to AC1, still empty, and then begins following the correct logic again.

This unintended loop is disrupting the simulation, and I’m not sure what’s causing the AGV to behave this way.

Note: I’m working with a modified Process Flow template.

Any help in troubleshooting or advice on how to fix this behavior would be greatly appreciated!

FlexSim 24.2.1
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amine avatar image amine commented ·
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1 Answer

Steven Hamoen avatar image
Steven Hamoen answered Steven Hamoen commented

@Amine I think the problem is that this template has the looking for work build in. Which means that if there is no job it drives to the next control point, look for work and drive on etc until it finds work again. In your flow, after the unloading it goes to exit A and then it enters this look for work.

If we build AGV models we always build our own flow. This is usually much easier then trying to adapt the template to your need and fighting the build in logic.

So that would be my suggestion here as well: create your own process flow, maybe copy some parts over but start over from scratch.

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amine avatar image amine commented ·

Thank you @Steven Hamoen I solve the problem.

Now I want to add 3rd train and a station before the steel mill.

So I want to add a conditional decision based on the availability of the steel mill, that is to say, it there are two train at the seel mill, the 3rd will wait at this new station located near to the steel mill while the others are unloading and until one leave, and then it moves to the available space.

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Steven Hamoen avatar image Steven Hamoen commented ·

@Amine Simple ;-) let each train drive to this waiting station and then acquire a resource, being the 2 positions at the steel mill. You can put both controlpoints in a group and put the group on the resource. When it can pull that position let the train drive to that position. When the train leaves the steel mill, release the resource and the 3rd train will pull it and drive to it. That way you automatically have the train drive to the free available position.

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amine avatar image amine Steven Hamoen commented ·
Thank you so much @Steven Hamoen it is an efficient solution. But I should respect the real situation of this transportation. the train drive to the waiting station if it finds 2 trains at the steel mill.
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Steven Hamoen avatar image Steven Hamoen amine commented ·
@Amine Then you can acquire the resource earlier before it starts to drive and use the "Max Wait Timer" if there is no place available at the steel mill. And if the max wait time is fired you take the other exit out of the activity and travel to the wait position where try to acquire a free position again but now without the max wait timer.
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