WS Queue Alloc.fsmHello,
Is there a way to treat a control area differently than a control point on path allocation. I currently have some custom code for AGV logic that allocates all necessary points in a path on AGV Build Travel Path. I want to try using a control area to trigger a re-evaluation of path and make the AGV query if a further position is free. In a sense, directing the AGV to an intermediate position and having it be triggered by the control area to re-evaluate if its final queue position would be available. I am not sure if I am attempting to use control areas in a way they are not intended for though, as they seem to be used mostly for traffic control and excluding too many AGV's from a certain area rather than being bounds for triggering path logic?
In the file I have attached, my intention is to have the AGV be directed to control point 5 or 6, but upon entry to the control area, check if control point 10 is available and redirect to there if it is.