
K_yun avatar image
K_yun asked K_yun commented

AGV don't travel to elevator floor CP


As shown in the video, the problem is that the TE2 doesn't move to the elevator. However, in contrast, the TE1 travels well.

Something must be wrong here.


FlexSim 23.2.1
agvelevatoragv elevator
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1 Answer

CSN avatar image
CSN answered K_yun commented

This issue is due to connection problems. In this model, the elevator is used as a "Traveler AGV," which causes it to allocate the control point. As a result, TE2 cannot travel because the control point is blocked. The solution is to reconnect the lines. Additionally, since the elevator was incorrectly added, its navigator and offset logic have changed. It would be better to place a new elevator and reconnect it.


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